What is acne?
Acne is a chronic skin condition that causes inflamed spots on the face. Typically it is prominent in adolescent years because this is when the sebaceous glands become active.
However, acne can occur at any time of life. Acne usually affects the face, neck, shoulder, back, chest and upper arms.
What causes acne?
Acne is caused by skin pores filling with excess material such as oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells.
Pimples appear when follicles under the skin become blocked and oil begins to build.
When the material begins to clump together then the fluid can become infected and swell resulting in pimples and spots.
Can acne be treated?
Whilst acne can become a problem at any time, there are measures that can be taken to prevent breakouts or reduce the aggressiveness of acne when the inevitable happens.
CHIC has tailor-made solutions to help your skin recuperate.
Recommended Treatments for Acne
Below are some suggested solutions for this skin concern. Please click through to read more details about the recommended treatments for acne scarring.
Remember, your skin is completely unique to you, the best way to ensure you are getting a treatment specifically suited to your skin type is to book a consultation with one of our experts.
Superfine needles puncture the skin to deliver a special radio frequency deep within your skin for collagen regeneration and elastin production.